Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hello Plateau...I Hate You!

Another week and no weight loss. I’m still the same. I’ve reached the dreaded “Plateau” and I hate it. I wish I could be positive about this but I’m just not feeling it right now. I’m angry, sad, depressed and disappointed. And did I mention angry? GRRRRRR I should be at 40 lbs by now but I’m not and I’m ticked off. I feel like everything I’ve done over the last 5 months is for nothing.

The Little Fat Girl inside is laughing hysterically right now. She is screaming at me to just “Forget it!”. (Okay, maybe that isn’t quite the right F-word she is using but my Mom reads this blog so that one will have to suffice. LOL ) She is reminding me that I can’t do this. Who did I think I was kidding? I am fat and I’m always going to be fat. I should just go get some donuts and at least enjoy my fatness. Have a piece of cake, get a milkshake or a big, fat juicy burger. Drown my sorrows in some food. That works, right?

No, it doesn’t. I have years and years of experience with that particular coping mechanism and I know it doesn’t work. But old habits are hard to break and oh, do I ever want to just forget this whole thing and get some yummy food. I’d kill for some cherry pie right now. Oh yum!! But, I can’t. And not just because I’ll be letting myself down but because I’ll be letting all of you down too. That’s part of the reason I started this blog. I wanted to be accountable for what I’m eating to people other than myself because it is sooo easy to let me down. But knowing that all of you take the time to read this blog and support me in my journey means a lot to me. It keeps me from going down that path. The path of least resistance. The path I always go down when I get this far. And I can’t do it this time. I can’t go there no matter how much I want to and trust me, I want to. My cousin, Leslie, even wrote a post about me on her blog on how she admires my stick-to-it-tiveness (did I spell that right, Les?). The post was so sweet, supportive and just full of love. It brought tears to my eyes. After all that, I don’t want to disappoint her or any of you. Or myself.

So, here is the plan. I’m going to make my anger work for me. I’m going to beat that Little Fat Girl and get my butt back in gear. I’m going to do that by going back to the beginning. I’m going to follow my food journal entries from the beginning of WW when I was losing weight consistently. I’m going to start my exercise routine over as well. Yesterday I re-started the 6 week challenge on my EA Sports Active More Workouts game for the Wii. That means I’m going to work out 4 days a week for the next 6 weeks. My Mom and my sister have the original game and they are going to start the 30 day challenge on that game. We are going to do this together which should keep me going.

I will have a loss next week. I will not let that Little Fat Girl defeat me. And I will not let all of you or myself down. I’m going to kick this plateau’s ass!! (Sorry, Mom…but “butt” didn’t sound as tough…LOL).


Anonymous said...

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. And dream about how proud you'll be when you do break through! We'll be there with you!


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