Saturday, July 10, 2010


Okay, it was bound to happen. I’ve hit “blah”. You know “blah”, don’t you? That is the period when nothing is exciting or motivating. It’s when I can’t seem to be satisfied with anything…not watching a movie, a TV show, reading a book, going somewhere, staying home, exercising, playing with the kids, not playing with the kids, napping, etc. Nothing is making me happy! And I’m having trouble shaking it. I hate when I get like this. Ugh!!

For the last two or three days, I’ve just felt so blah. I can’t seem to get motivated to do anything! I’ve taken two days off from exercising which is okay because it goes with my schedule but I haven’t done that in forever. And today I’m struggling to get moving. I’ve been doing everything I can to avoid it and I’m so disappointed in myself. I’ve been doing so well for the past 12 weeks (wow…that’s pretty good, huh?) and exercising had become second-nature so this is really ticking me off.

Now is the “why” part of this post. Why am I feeling this way? I have no idea. I am hoping that it is because my monthly visitor is due soon as this feeling will pass with her. That is if I’m lucky. It could also be that I’ve been stuck at home with the kids with little to no adult interaction. I don’t do well with that. I miss being with adults during the day. The fact that I’ve been looking for a job without any luck I’m sure is another factor. Not to mention that sad situations have arisen left and right with friends and family. I won’t disclose them here because they are not mine to discuss but my heart bleeds for them.

It could be any one of the above but more than likely it’s a combination of all. It’s my own personal perfect storm that is creating this emotional morass known as “blah”. I do know that I really have to fight this feeling and drag myself out of this as soon as possible. It is like quicksand and will slowly drag me down to the depths of depression. A place I have spent enough of my life in and have no intention of visiting again.

I have to get moving. I have to get motivated. I have to do something…which leads me to ending this post and getting up from this chair. So, with one final sigh, it’s time to turn on the Wii and burn off some calories and hopefully some of this “blah”. Wish me luck.

Update at 3:20pm same day:

Well, i did finally move. 30 minute Wii EA Sports Active workout followed by a 30 minute The Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD workout (first time I've done that one and it is a killer). I'm a sweaty mess right now. Still blah but feeling a little better since I didn't let it keep me from doing what I needed to do. I guess that is a bit of happiness I should try to hold on to, huh?


Angie said...

I think it's something in the air. I'm blah too. Financial woes and being cooped up in the house since the 27th is also a factor. I've left the house 3 times since then. Once to deliver food to a friend, church, and grocery shopping LAST SATURDAY. 7 straight days in the house and it's been raining. Gray skies and gray mood.
you're right, we need to get going, get moving. I hate when eating mashed potatoes and napping is more comforting that anything else I can think of.

Sigh. I'm right there with ya girl.


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