Friday, June 25, 2010


I am happy to report that I have finished the 6 week challenge on EA Sports Personal Trainer More Workouts today. That means I worked out 4-6 times per week for the 6 weeks. I can’t believe I did it. I’m so proud I could burst!!

What did I learn during this challenge?

• I can actually exercise. I won’t die if I move…LOL Seriously, I can do it. Do I love it? No, not really but I’m definitely beginning to develop a crush on it.

• I hate squats and lunges. They are the devil’s tool. But I will grudgingly admit that they work. I’ve noticed that I don’t have to think before I get up from a sitting position anymore. Moving is coming more naturally. I also noticed I can climb stairs and I don’t feel like dying when I reach the top. I also can tighten muscles in my butt I don’t even remember having…LOL

• I love doing bicep curls. I feel so powerful when I do them. I know, it’s weird…LOL

• Shoulder exercises are a bitch. Plain and simple but they are necessary and I will do them.

• Jogging lightly in place actually gets my blood pumping instead of killing me like I believed it would.

• I really like aerobics and now I want to buy a Jazzercise DVD. Remember Jazzercise? I forgot how much I liked it back in the ‘80s.

• Cardio-boxing is my ideal workout. I love punching! Sparring is so much fun and I love hitting the targets. I still need to work on my body movements (moving left, right and ducking down) but I find the whole exercise exhilarating. And it is a great way to work off a bad mood!

Overall, I realized that exercising does make me feel better physically and mentally. I feel good when I’m done with a workout. I have a sense of pride in my accomplishment even though I will moan and groan about it. I know I can do this and I know that exercising is going to help me reach my goal. I will be not only physically smaller but stronger. I like stronger!

On Tuesday, I will be starting the 6 week challenge over again at a higher intensity. And I’ll be picking up a Jazzercise DVD or two.

I recommend the EA Sports Personal Trainer Wii games to anyone who wants to start exercising again. It's fun, interactive, and best of all, it works at your fitness level.

Fair warning…you will become addicted!



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