Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Most Boring of all Meats

When I hear ground turkey, I think “Blah”. There is nothing wrong with it except its total and complete lack of flavor. It is so boring! And look at it. It’s so pale…it just screams tasteless. I know, I know, I know….(great big sigh) Turkey is one of the healthier meat choices and therefore we must suffer with its mediocrity.

And suffer I would, I thought. Suffer for the cause of better health. Then I found the best turkey meatloaf recipe ever!! Let me first explain that I LOVE meatloaf. It is my favorite dish from childhood. It’s the one thing I ask for when I go home to visit without fail. Nothing beats my Mom’s meatloaf, nothing. But thanks to Bethenny Frankel, I found a healthy substitute that comes really, really close. It is called the Comfort Turkey Meatloaf and it’s on her website ( Yes, she is one of those Housewives from New York. She is actually my favorite housewife and despite what Kelly says, quite the chef….LOL (Okay, if you watch the show, you got that…LOL)

Okay, back to the meatloaf. It is so good that my hubby asked me what kind of meat it was because he knows we rarely eat ground beef anymore. He couldn’t tell it was turkey, and really, isn’t that the point?...LOL The garlic, onion, parsley, rosemary, thyme, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and ketchup give the meat so much flavor. And like all meatloaf, it is good the next day for sandwiches (guess what I'm having for lunch today?...LOL)

Best part is that it makes 8 good-sized servings and each serving is only 5 points on WW. Makes me so happy!

Hope you try it and let me know what you think!


Siomara said...

I'll have to check that recipe out, because turkey really IS bland and unappealing.

Monica said...

If you are looking for more ground turkey recipes this turkey chili recipe is DELICIOUS.. People that hate ground turkey will eat this and lick their bowl and then ask for more.
The only thing I don't do is mash the kidney beans but I do drain and rinse them. Oh and I don't use real onion just onion flakes since my husband hates onions with a passion.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Monica!! I will definitely check that out. I really need good ground turkey recipes!


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