Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Weight Issues and My Kids

I’ve been overweight for most of my life and so has my hubby. One of my greatest fears has always been that our children will end up overweight as well. Let’s face it, they most definitely did not hit the genetic jackpot when it comes to weight. Chances are pretty good that they will have a weight problem and that has worried me since they were born. I don’t want my children to go through the emotional and physical issues that I have to deal with because I’m obese. I don’t want them to sit on the sidelines in school because of their weight. I want them to experience all the things I didn’t…like prom, high school dating, fitting in, etc. And I don’t want them to be teased because of their weight. Life is hard enough when you get older. I want them to enjoy their childhood and teen years…well, as much as possible with puberty in the mix…LOL I will do everything I can to protect them from making my mistakes. And sometimes I’ve gone too far with it.

I’ve been very careful about what they are allowed to eat. I was especially vigilant until a little more than a year ago when the therapist I was seeing at the time pointed out that my issues with food and overeating are MY issues and not my childrens’. She told me that it wasn’t fair of me to put my issues on them and that I needed to approach the situation differently. She pointed out that being so strict with my kids was going to push them towards food and not away from it. I was making food too big of a part of their lives because I was so focused on it. I needed to teach them that food is just fuel for the body.

I was shocked and I realized that she was right. I started crying in her office because I thought everything I was doing was right but I was actually harming my children. I made a decision there and then that I would change how I approached food when it comes to what they eat. That I would help them realize that food is just food, to learn to eat when they are hungry and to stop when they are full, and to make healthy choices with the occasional treat.

I am not as strict anymore. I still don’t allow the kids to get food out of the pantry or the fridge without asking. I stock up on fruit, yogurt, and sugar-free fat-free jello and pudding. Believe it or not, but my kids actually prefer yogurt over lots of sweet treats. They eat wheat bread instead of white and they like brown rice. My daughter loves veggies but I have to bribe my son to eat them by putting a little low fat ranch dressing on them. Hey, I'm not above bribery...LO They don’t have to clean their plates to have dessert but they do have to make an effort to eat a little of everything. And soda is still a no-no but they can have all the Crystal Light they can drink. I have been making their chocolate milk with sugar-free syrup and they have no idea it's sugar-free. And this is how I want them to grow up. I want them to make smart choices as a way of life.

Don’t get me wrong. They still want candy, cookies, etc. I just give them other options to choose from and it seems to be working.

Plus, isn’t that what grandparents are for? LOL (yes, Mom, I mean you!! LOL)



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