Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank the Heavens for Taco Bell

I miss fast food. I don’t miss the calories and the fat that it seems to deposit directly on my thighs but I do miss the ease and convenience of it. Some days it is just easier to stop and grab something than it is to make it when you get home. I know I have to watch myself because I do like “easy” and I will keep stopping and grabbing if I let myself (which is abundantly clear…you don’t get fat by eating healthy, made at home food…LOL) So, it has become a treat when I’m just swamped running errands with my two little monsters.

Take today for instance, we went to the park, to the bank and to a couple of stores for Father’s Day stuff (not saying what…that is a surprise..LOL). By the time we were heading home, the kids were hot and cranky and so was I. Plus, I was starving!! The kids ate while we were out but I was being good and didn’t have anything other than a drink.

And like manna from heaven, I spied the Taco Bell sign on the side of the road. That is the one fast food place I will allow myself to go because of their fresco menu. If you haven’t tried it yet, you really should. Fresco style is delicious! They remove the cheese and sour cream and add salsa to the items. The best part is that the crunchy tacos fresco style are only 3 points each on WW!! They are cheap, satisfying , delicious, and I don’t feel guilty at all.

Thank you, Taco Bell! And I think I love you…..


Leslie said...

Angie said the same thing about them but I haven't tried them yet. Taco Bell is no where close to my house. This delightful place called "Cafe Rio" is though. It is NOT WW friendly. Maybe I should venture over to the other side of town more often...

Unknown said...

You have to get to Taco Bell. I actually like the Fresco Style better because I love salsa or in this case pico de gallo.


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