Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Today was my weigh-in day and the scale was nice to me. I’ve lost 2 lbs for a total of 24 lbs. I’m so excited! And not just because I had a loss this week but because I lost it even though I was camping this weekend. I’ve proven to myself that I am capable of eating healthy while camping. I am capable of making changes and not allowing food to rule my life. I may actually be in control of my weight…which is shocking and wonderful.

I decided to dig in my closet today for a pair of jeans one size smaller than I’ve been wearing and give them a try. This is always a dangerous proposition because I run the risk of becoming depressed if they don’t fit. But happily for me, they did!! I’ve dropped from a 28 to a 26! I haven’t worn these jeans since my son was 8 months old….almost 4 years ago!

I’ll admit it. I am a big dork and I cried. Crying over getting into a pair of jeans one size smaller may seem ridiculous to some of you but I didn’t think I was ever going to be able to wear these again. When I lost my insurance and my chance to have the WLS, I thought that was it. I was doomed to be a size 28 or even bigger. But I’m not. I’m really not. Wow…


Angie said...

Ok, I just did my makeup! Don' you go and make me cry too!
I know exactly how that feels, to put on a pair of pants and they fit when they didn't before. I cried too, but don't tell know I'm know for being a tough girl, I never wear my heart of my sleeve!!

Today in celebration of the smaller you, I'm going to wear a tank top. With no sweater!! Now that's progress. That and it's 86 degrees here and I don't care who sees my flabby flags waving. It is almost 4th of July.

So proud of you and can't wait to read the next installment! You keep me motivated with your honesty! Love you soo much!

Unknown said...

Wear that tank top with pride, baby!!

You keep me motivated by reading my blog. It definitely keeps me honest. Love you bunches and bunches!

Mike said...

Way to go, Tricia! I love your blog and will follow your progress (now that I know about it). It takes a lot of courage to post a blog like yours, putting it all out there for the world to see. I'm proud of you and have all the faith that you'll reach your goals. Keep supporting each other. Love, Uncle Mugsy

Unknown said...

Uncle Mugsy - thank you for taking the time to read it. If you can beat cancer, than I can beat the fat!! I love you Uncle Mugsy and you are my hero!

Leslie said...

Okay, all of these comments made me get teary! I'm so proud of you! I took my measurements last night and entered them into WW online. I had no idea that you could track your measurements there too! I have quite a few pairs of capris that I've been saving because they were so cute and comfy the last time I wore them. I've still got a ways to go but hopefully by the time my birthday rolls around I'll be able to wear them. Yay us!


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