Friday, June 11, 2010

The Journey Begins

Realized I don’t want to be fat anymore – check.

Understand that the key to losing weight is eating less calories than I burn – check.

Now what?

I needed a plan. What can I do to help myself? Well, I control (yep that word again…LOL) the grocery shopping, so no more crap. No more donuts, pop tarts, ice cream, chips, etc. No more fast food.

I decided to start with the South Beach diet. Yes, I know it is not a permanent solution but I wasn’t looking for one. I needed something to start me off. Something to help with the cravings and SBD does work for that. I did it for 2 ½ carbs – meaning no bread, rice, pasta, etc. Just concentrated on meat, veggies and good fats. I lost 9 lbs during that time. It was a great start. And while I know I’m going to get impatient (patience is NOT one of my virtues and I’m very clear on that), it took me 8 years to put this weight on so I won’t take it off in 8 days…or even 8 months. Something I have to remind myself of often. I have 169 lbs to lose to hit my goal weight of 175 lbs. I may go lower after that but I’m happy at that weight. I have a naturally athletic frame (even though I’m in no way athletic) so I can wear a size 10 or 12 at that weight. Compared to the 28 I currently wear, that is an awesome idea.

Back to SBD. It did what I needed during that 2 ½ weeks. Got me back on veggies which I love and fish. I stopped craving sweets so badly. I can’t live this way and I know it. I realized a lot of people I know are on Weight Watchers and doing well with it. I decided to try that again, but use the online version because I don’t have the time or the inclination to go to meetings. I have two babies at home and just don’t want to have to juggle meetings in my schedule. Signed up for WW online and now it’s time to get down to exercise.

Enter the Wii. The best thing since sliced bread, as far as I’m concerned. I can exercise in my house at my own pace and my workout changes all the time. I love the EA Sports Personal Trainer and the sequel More Workouts. They are great and I can do a variety of exercises. Also can workout as long as I want which changes day to day. Some days it’s 20 minutes and other days it is 60 minutes.

I’ve been on WW for 5 weeks now and I’m down a total of 19 lbs. I fit in clothes I haven’t been able to wear in a while. Even wearing denim on days I’m staying home just because I can comfortably wear them all day. Threw the hubby for a loop last weekend. He saw me in my denim capris and asked where I was going. That made me laugh because he is so used to seeing me in sweats at home. The only time I would struggle into my jeans was if we was going out of the house. I told him I was wearing them because I could. And damn if I didn’t keep those pants on until 10pm that night. LOL

Results so far are good. I can stand up from a sitting position without thinking about it first. I move differently. I can feel muscles move that I forgot I had. I can exercise and feel good about it. It’s still a struggle to get going some days because I don’t like to exercise, but once it’s done…wow. I feel good. Those experts that say you feel better after exercising may have been right…damn them! LOL

Now that you are all caught up with where I’m at, this blog will be different. More about the day to day struggles and triumphs. I’m hoping this will keep me honest…keep me motivated…and maybe help someone else out there realize they are not alone.



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